Think of a primal-dual pair as two sides to the same linear program.

Note that $\min$ doesn’t have to be $(P)$. The Primal is the Dual of the Dual.

Primal $(P)$ $\min\{c^Tx:Ax\textbf{ ? }b,x\textbf{ ? }0\}$
Dual $(D)$ $\max\{b^Ty:A^Ty\textbf{ ? }c,y\textbf{ ? }0\}$

Question marks are placeholders. Replace them with the cell across from them in this table.

Question marks are placeholders. Replace them with the cell across from them in this table.

Weak Duality

If one of $(P)$ or $(D)$ is unbounded, then the other is infeasible.

If both have a feasible solution, $x$ for $(P)$ and $y$ for $(D)$,

Strong Duality

If $(P)$ has an optimal solution, then so too does $(D)$, and their objective values are equal.

As an extension from weak duality,

Complementary Slackness

$\overline{x}, \overline{y}$ are optimal for their respective problems iff for every row $i$