The Financial System
Financial Intermediaries
- Banks: Lend to individuals/businesses using deposits from savers, with interest
- Profit from
rate charged for loans - rate paid for deposits
- Investment Banks: Help organizations raise capital by selling securities to public
- Profit from
charge from investor - price paid to security issuer
- Funds: Invest in private businesses on behalf of individual savers
- Profit from
management fees charge from savers
- Insurance Companies: Premiums from individuals/businesses for insurance
- Premium is invested prior to paying out claims
- Revenue from
premium + investment - claims
Security: General term for a tradable financial asset (e.g. stock, bond)
Stock: Ownership in an incorporated company
Bond: Debt issued by govmt/corps with maturity > 1 year
- Basically a loan where the govmt is the borrower and you are the bank
- Prime example of fixed income security
- Face Value (lump sum) paid at maturity
- Coupons paid out periodically
- PMT = percentage (coupon rate) of face value
- Coupon rate or nominal yield = annual payments / face value
- Current yield = annual payments / market value of bond
Money Markets: For fixed income securities bonds with maturity < 1 years; no coupons
- Short-term; highly liquid (easy to sell); large face values (because no coupons)
- Low-cost source of temporary funds
Capital Markets: Long-term securities
- Long-term investments for large projects (e.g. factories, highways)
- Only accessible by corporations
Primary Markets: First issuance of securities, IPOs
- IPO: Firm firsts offers shares to the public and becomes a public company
Secondary Markets: Trades securities after issuance - "glorified casinos"
- Auction Market: NYSE, RuneScape GE
- Sellers ask & buyers bid
- Direct trading between buyers and sellers
- Dealer/Over-the-Counter Market: NASDAQ
- Dealer/"Market Maker" sells and buys - either as a broker or as an individual on their own behalf
- Dealers list their own buy (bid) and sell (ask) prices
- Incentivize entities to buy and sell securities by making it easier
- Faster to find a "match" (buyer to seller)
Dealer's Revenue **=** Spread **=** Bid Price - Ask Price
Liquidity: Market with lots of trading activity (the goal of Market Makers in Dealer Markets)
- Trades: Means that it is possible to buy/sell whenever you want
- Traders: ****More traders = competitive market; no monopoly power
- Depth: # of available shares to be traded; encompasses Trades
Management: "The goal of a manager is to maximize shareholder wealth."
- Principal-Agent Problem: When managers put their own interests before those of the stockholders.
- Agency Cost: Money that must be spent to monitor managers to insure the P-A Problem doesn't occur

The Financial System

The Money Market

The Capital Market

Dealer Markets
Types of Business Entities