An LP is either infeasible, has an optimal solution, or is unbounded
Given an LP in the form $\max\left\{c^Tx:Ax=b,x≥0\right\}$
- No solutions which satisfy all constraints
- Farkas’ Lemma: One of the following must be true:
- The LP is feasible; there exists an $x$ where $Ax=b$, then
- There exists $y$ where $y^TA≥\mathbb{0}$ and $y^Tb<0$
- For some solution $\overline{x}$, prove that it is feasible and an upper (max) or lower (min) bound
- $\max\left\{c^Tx:Ax=b,x≥0\right\}$
- Unbounded if there exists $\overline{x}, r$ such that
- $\overline{x}≥0,r≥0, A\overline{x}=b,Ar=0, c^Tr>0$